Saturday, November 5, 2011

Note to Self

Apart from the fact that it's imposing on my homework time (stupid homework),  the knitting is going well. The women's size mittens for the mitten tree are ready, except for felting and cuffs:

(These are made with Cascade Soft Spun in Aubergine. The picture doesn't do justice to the colour).

The Christmas gifts are also going very well - especially after I figured out the right way to yarn-over. I don't know how I didn't figure this out before. Not only is the real way a heck of a lot faster and makes way more sense, it's a lot easier!

I've decided to make my mother some knitted dishcloths for Christmas. I'm using Bernat Handicrafter Cotton (which I've fallen in love with, mainly because of all the cool colours. I wish I could go and buy a skein of each one...). Since the kitchen is red, I wanted something that would sort of match, so I bought a skein of Love (which is absolutely gorgeous) and a skein of Country Red (which is a closer match to the kitchen than the Love, but I wanted one solid and one ombre skein). Because the Love is more interesting, I decided to use that first. The pattern (the typical dishcloth pattern from the back of the ball band) was super easy and all was going fairly well. However, I was very confused by the lack of the giant hole that's supposed to appear when using a yarn-over increase. And because I have no common sense, I decided to check out the correct way to do the yarn-over only after I finished the first dishcloth. Bound off and everything, so no chance of a redo at this point. Turns out, you don't wrap the yarn around the left needle and knit into it, you wrap the yarn around the right needle and knit the next stitch off the left needle. Makes way more sense, right? I'm not completely satisfied with the first one, and I suspect that I'll be buying another skein of Love to do it again the right way.

Here's my comparison. Incorrect yarn-over:

Correct yarn-over:

Both dishcloths do have the edging (sort of...), but I like to know that I've done things right and I don't want to go gifting sub-standard knitting. The bright side is that I get to use the Handicrafter Cotton again - and I may pick up a few more skeins for me too. Hey, I'm going to need my own dishcloths eventually... :D

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